Transnational launching event

Transnational launching event and first steering committee
March 19, 2024 09:00 am March 20, 2024 05:00 pm


The programme of our two-day fieldtrip in Spanish Basque Country: overview of the local fishing industry, knowledge exchange, reflection on innovation and on competitiveness improvement of local fisheries ecosystems. 

As part of the European project FISHINN, co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area program, project partners and key local stakeholders met in Ondarroa for the transnational launching event on March 19th. 

To face the overall decline of the fishing industry in the Atlantic area, FISHINN project aims to strengthen the resilience and competitiveness of local fisheries ecosystems. This initiative relies on collaboration between Irish, French, Portuguese, and Spanish partners, thus fostering the exchange of best practices among these regions. By leveraging collaboration and the adoption of new technologies, this project aims to develop smart, circular, and more efficient solutions. 

Transnational launching event and Ports Visits in Ondarroa and Lekeitio – March 19 

The launching event took place at the port of Ondarroa in the Lea-Artibai region. Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, Technopole Quimper Cornouaille, Sines Tecnopolo, and the Technological University of Munster, partners of FISHINN, were welcomed by the coordinator Leartibai Fundazioa. 

The event began with a presentation of the region, the port, and the municipality by Ms. Ainhoa Arrizubieta, director of Leartibai Fundazioa, and Urtza Alkorta, mayor of Ondarroa. 

Leandro Azcue, director of fisheries and aquaculture for the Basque government, and Ekaitz Urtiaga, director of Itsas Garapen Elkartea, then presented the fishing sector of the Basque Country, Biscay, and Lea-Artibai. 

Eve Savage, from the Technological University of Munster, concluded this convention by providing an overview of the challenges and opportunities of the blue economy in Europe. 

Participants then visited the facilities of the port of Ondarroa, including the fish market, a freezing plant and attended an auction. In the afternoon, project partners traveled to Lekeitio, where they were welcomed by the deputy mayor Zuriñe Gojenola and had the opportunity to visit the shipyard of Mendieta, the port, and the fishermen’s guild. During these visits, partners were able to observe the decline of the fishing sector in this area, which has now been transformed into a tourist port, mainly for pleasure craft. 

Workshops and steering committee to identify challenges and opportunities of fishing ports.  

Workshops took place on March 20th, followed by a steering committee meeting. These work sessions provided an opportunity to share the initial results of diagnoses conducted on each port across the four territories. 

FISHINN is co-funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027 program under the priority area of “Blue Innovation and Competitiveness.” Its main objective is to enhance the competitiveness and resilience of local fisheries ecosystems and supply chains, while strengthening the cooperation and innovation capacities of local stakeholders. 

Thus, diagnoses aim to identify innovative practices and solutions to address local challenges. Innovation roadmaps will be developed for each territory, with the ultimate goal of transferring innovative practices to ports on a larger scale. The project will foster the creation of new economic activities and the transition to smarter, more circular, and efficient economic models. 

Key levers include cooperation, innovation, digitization, transition, circular economy, and collaboration among sectors of the blue economy.

Lekeitio port
Ondarroa Fish Market

Participants in the transnational event.